Radiant Life Training offers a year-round journey designed to help you live in sync with nature and flourish all year long. Rooted in the wisdom of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan meditation, and mindful living practices, this program guides you through each season with specialized modules focused on nutrition, self-care, energy balancing, and personal growth. By aligning your lifestyle with the natural rhythms of the year, you’ll cultivate lasting balance and vitality, nurturing your essence, energy, and spirit throughout every season. Ideal for those seeking a harmonious, sustainable wellness journey that supports long-term health and personal transformation.
Radiant Rhythms
Seasonal Living Programs for Vitality and Balance
Restore the Wood Element
Liver + Gallbladder
Balance Kapha Dosha
Clean + Clear
February 12 – April 23
Spring Curriculum
Aligning with Growth and Renewal
April 24 – May 11
Radiance Reset: Spring-Summer Transition
Letting Go of the Past, Embracing New Growth
Regulate the Fire Element
Heart + Small Intestine
Balance Pitta Dosha
Stoke the Creative Fire
May 12 – July 23
Summer Curriculum
Harnessing Energy and Abundance
July 24 – August 10
Radiance Reset: Summer-Autumn Transition
Releasing the Old, Preparing for Harvest
Ground the Metal Element
Lungs + Large Intestine
Balance Vata Dosha
Breathe Deep + Let Go
August 11 – October 29
Autumn Curriculum
Harvesting Clarity and Reflection
October 30 – November 16
Radiance Reset: Autumn-Winter Transition
Rooting Down for Stillness and Reflection
Stabilize the Water Element
Kidneys + Bladder
Balance Vata+Kapha Dosha
Flow with Grace
November 17 – January 24
Winter Curriculum
Embracing the Quiet Strength of Winter
January 25 – February 11
Radiance Reset: Winter-Spring Transition
Clearing the Path for Rebirth